Thursday, April 21, 2016


RBI should increase out of order [overdue] period to 180 days instead of 90 days for all loans upto Rs.50.00 lakhs, before account is declared NPA. This rule should also be made applicable to existing loan accounts which are declared NPA due to 90 day condition.Small borrowers face maximum problem due to slow down and systematic delays in getting payments. Banks normally are not sympathetic towards small borrowers unless they are well "connected" or are willing to keep bank officers "happy". They chase such small defaulters instead of big defaulters. This ends in closure of MSMEs and attention of industrialists is diverted to please banks rather than make more efforts for his business.

Saturday, April 09, 2016



[2005 rules replaced by 2009 on 21-12-2009 effective from 01-01-2010]
[Again amended on 18-03-2016 –filing fee reduced to Rs.10/-, CD Rs.50 and inspection first hour free and thereafter Rs.5/- per hour or part thereof beyond first hour]


The rules provide for a format for application under RTI Act called Form-A, which is annexed herewith.

2. FEES:

A. Application fee: Rs.10/- to be paid by bank’s demand draft or pay order or Indian Postal Order [IPO] or in cash against receipt or  through treasury challan. Applicants holding BPL certificate need not pay any application fee.

Payment by IPO should be preferred being cheap and convenient. IPO should be in favour of “Accounts Officer, [mention name of public authority i.e. govt dept/organization etc]” and should be made payable at the place where application is sent.

B. Other charges: Information in A-3 or A-4 size paper….Rs.2/- per page, Large size: actual cost, publications: actual cost. CD Rs.50/- per CD.  Inspection: Free for first hour and if exceeds one hour Rs.5/- for each hour or part thereof beyond first hour.


Rules do not provide for formats for first appeal, second appeal/complaint. No fees are charged for appeals.
Suggested formats for appeals/complaint are annexed hereunder.

4. Address of State Information Commission, Haryana:

State Information Commission, Haryana,
SCO No. 70-71, Sector 8-C, Chandigarh.
Telephone No. 0172-2726568, Fax No. 0172-2783834

7. HARYANA State Format  for RTI Application:

The Right to Information Act, 2005

Form A [See rule 3 (1)]

The State Public Information Officer/
State Assistant Public Information Officer,
(Name of the office with address)

1. Full name of the applicant:

2. Address:

3. Particulars of information required:-
(i) Subject matter of information*
(ii) The period to which the information relates**
(iii) Description of the information required***
(iv) Whether information is required by post or in person
(the actual postal charges shall be included in addition to the fees.)
(v) In case by post (Ordinary, Registered or Speed)

4. IPO No. ____________for Rs.10/- is enclosed.



Signature of the Applicant 

* Broad category of the subject to be indicated (such as Grant/Government land/ Service matters/Licenses etc.)
** Relevant period for which information is required to be indicated.
*** Specific details of the information are required to be indicated.
Received your application dated _______________ ,-- vide Diary No.______________ dated _____________ .
State Public Information Officer/ State Assistant Public Information Officer, Name of the Department/Office 

8. HARYANA State Format for First Appeal:

The Right to Information Act, 2005
First Appeal

The Appellate Authority                                                            By regd AD post

         As I have not received any decision/As I am aggrieved by the decision of the Public Information Officer…………, I hereby file this appeal. The particulars of my application are as under:

  1. Name of the appellant :
  2. Address of appellant :
  3. (A)  Designation of the State Public Information Officer :
       Address of State Public Information Officer:
(B)  Department/office and address :
(C)   Particulars of the decision against which the 
 appeal is preferred including the No. &
 Date of such decision.
  1. Date of application submitted in the Form A  :
  2. Details of Information sought: as per enclosed form A
6.  Reasons for Appeal:
7. Brief facts of the case.
8.    Prayer/relief’s sought for :

A] The information sought be ordered to be supplied immediately by registered post at my address.

B] The information be now supplied to me free of cost.

C] CPIO be advised to permit inspection of record, as requested by me. [if applicable]

D] I should be fully compensated for not supplying information in prescribed time limit.

E] Disciplinary action be initiated for not complying with the law against erring officers.

9. Enclosures: Self attested copies of RTI application, reply of SPIO [if received], postal proof of mailing RTI application.
I hereby state that the information and particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and brief.

Place                                                              Signature of Appellant                                                        

9. HARYANA State suggested format for second appeal/complaint:                 
Date:                                                                                 By speed post AD

State Chief Information Commissioner,                                                 
State Information Commission, Haryana,
SCO No. 70-71, Sector 8-C, Chandigarh.

Respected Sir,

            As I have not received any decision/As I am aggrieved by the decision of the PIO & First Appellate Authority, I here by file this second appeal/complaint for your kind consideration. The particulars are as under:

[1)       Full name of the Applicant           :

[2]       Address of Applicant  with
phone No. and email ID if any     :

(3)       Name and address of StatePublic Information Officer:                  
            No. and date of reply if received:

(4)       Name and address of the First Appellate  Authority:

No. and date of reply if received:

[5]       Date of receipt of order of            first appellate authority    :

(6)       Particulars of information sought- as per enclosed RTI application

(7)       Brief facts and grounds for appeal:

[8]   PRAYER/Relief:

A] The information sought be ordered to be supplied immediately by registered post at my address.

B] The information be now supplied to me free of cost.

C] CPIO be advised to permit inspection of record, as requested by me. [if applicable] 

D] Penalty as per RTI Act be imposed on PIO.

E] I should be fully compensated for not supplying information in prescribed time limit and breach of my right.

F] Disciplinary action be ordered to be initiated for not complying with the law against PIO & FAA

G] Public Authority be ordered to reimburse traveling and lodging-boarding expenses incurred by me for attending hearing.

H] Hon’ble Commission may order making an entry in service book/annual appraisal report of the concerned PIO & FAA for defying act of the parliament.

I] The hon’ble Commission be pleased to pass such other orders as deemed fit in the interest of justice and spirit of RTI.

(9)       Enclosures: Self attested photo copies of the following documents :

A. Application in form A dated________ with its enclosures if any,
B. Reply dated ________of PIO if received, C. First Appeal dated ________D. Reply dated_______ to first appeal, if received,                  E. Postal proof of posting of Form A and first appeal.

[10]. Verification: I the undersigned hereby state that the information and particulars given here-in-above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place  :                                           Signature of Appellant/Complainant

[To be submitted in three copies to the Commission]

Monday, April 04, 2016


PSUs [ specially banks and insurance companies] and Central/State Govt. departments try to harass and tire out common citizens, with huge money power and expertise at public cost at their disposal, by resorting to repeated appeals up to divisional bench of apex court, without any accountability of officers to public.

I humbly  quote following judgements of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India,  against such  frivolous litigation: 
 A] Judgement dated 04-09-2012 of in Civil Appeal No. 6261 OF 2012--   Gurgaon       Gramin Bank Versus Smt. Khazani

   B] Judgment dated 13-01-2014 in SLP (C) No. 39434 of 2013- Haryana Dairy   Dev Coop Federation Ltd v/s Jagdish Lal.

C] Judgement dated 26-07-2010 in civil appeal No. 5646 of 2010 -Union of       India Vs Pritilata Nanda

D] Judgement dated 01-07-2015 in civil appeal No. 1123 of 2015 - State of   Rajasthan and Ors.V/s MahendraNath Sharma

 E] Judgement dated 22-09-2014 in civil appeal No. 9043 of 2014 -- Vijay    Shankar Pandey V/sUnion of India & Another

There is dire need to have a National Litigation Policy against such wasteful and anti-citizen actions of govt departments and undertakings. Such litigation choke judicial system by over burdening and there are chances of corruption by public servants while assigning work to advocates for such legal battle against common citizen in a democratic country. Usually it is ego-massaging of govt officers or politicians and show of power against helpless citizen.

I have been repeatedly chasing Ministry of Law and Justice for a National Litigation Policy in India. Attempts were made in 2010 by UPA Govt but did not materialise. Hopefully pro-citizen NDA/BJP Govt at Center will take positive steps at the earliest.