01. District Consumer Forums are headed by judicial officers
[retired Dist. Judge], while most of ICs are from bureaucracy. Thus there is
difference of mind frame and approach and hence results.
02. Decision is taken by 3 member
bench of consumer forum. It has two [one male and another female] other members
from common citizens, while at CIC/SIC it is single IC. Hence in consumer forum
complaint is looked at from common man’s perspective by two members. This improves
quality of decisions.
03. There are 2 to 10 ICs per
state, while in each district there is one or more consumer forums. In big
cities there are 2 to 4 benches. Circuit benches of consumer forums at Taluka
level is being contemplated under amendment pending in parliament.
04. IC’s decision can be
challenged in High Court only, which is a costly and time consuming procedure.
In case of judgement of Consumer Forum, it can be challenged in State Consumer
Commission, which is less costly and fast if it is argued by applicant himself.
05. Information seeker can
proceed with CIC/SIC and simultaneously consumer forum, since consumer forum is
concerned with deficiency of service and unfair trade practice, while CIC/SIC
looks at from RTI perspective only.
06. In case of consumer forums,
compensation is a rule while in case of CIC/SIC it is rare. Hence part of cost
of litigation/travelling is recovered in most cases decided by consumer forums.
07. In most of SICs and CIC
waiting period is 12 to 60 months, while in case of consumer forums it is 12 to
36 months.
08. In case of non-compliance of
ICs orders, he can at the most penalize Rs.25000/- and/or recommend
disciplinary action against PIO to head of public authority. Non-compliance of
orders of consumer court can land govt officers in jail. As per news items top
heads of two business groups were ordered to be arrested for non-compliance of
orders of district forums in two different cases.
09. Fee up to claim of
Rs.100000/- is only Rs.100/- in consumer forum.
10. In majority of consumer forums’
decisions supply of information, payment of compensation and expenses have been
11. In consumer forum you get
adequate time to place your arguments, while in case of information commission
time given is too short to properly argue your case.
12. However, consumer forums have
some negative sides also:
a. Applicant has to visit
consumer forum at least 2-3 times. In case of SIC information seeker may or may
not remain present at hearing. Only CIC has facility for video conferencing
from district head quarters.
b. Complaint in consumer forum
has to be filed at the place of office of PIO, it may not be convenient for
information seeker, unless he can afford advocate or can be represented by
friend/relative well versed in RTI and consumer matters residing at the place
of consumer forum.
c. Inter-state RTI matters have
language problem also, since proceedings in consumer forums are in regional
language, though complaint can be filed in English/Hindi also. This may be true
of some SICs also.