Please refer following link in connection with cash withdrawal at ATM without debit card:
This was suggested to RBI on 19-04-2015 by me and after long follow up RBI forwarded to NPCI and after my chasing RBI/NPCI to implement or show reasons why it cannot be implemented, it has been NOW implemented for three banks [may be on trial and to gain experience before all banks are made to follow], with minor changes to my suggestion. This system will stop ATM frauds by cloning of card and skimming PIN number. A OTP received on phone will ensure full safety of customers money.
I reproduce first letter dated 19-04-2015 addressed to RBI:
J P Shah.
Please refer following link in connection with cash withdrawal at ATM without debit card:
This was suggested to RBI on 19-04-2015 by me and after long follow up RBI forwarded to NPCI and after my chasing RBI/NPCI to implement or show reasons why it cannot be implemented, it has been NOW implemented for three banks [may be on trial and to gain experience before all banks are made to follow], with minor changes to my suggestion. This system will stop ATM frauds by cloning of card and skimming PIN number. A OTP received on phone will ensure full safety of customers money.
I reproduce first letter dated 19-04-2015 addressed to RBI:
Date: 19-04-2015 by email and posted on website of RBI
Chief General Manager
Consumer Education and Protection Department
Reserve Bank of India
1st Floor, Amar Building, Sir P.M. Road,
Consumer Education and Protection Department
Reserve Bank of India
1st Floor, Amar Building, Sir P.M. Road,
Mumbai-400 001
Email: helpdoc@rbi.org.in
Respected Sir,
Subject: Suggestion
for Safety of ATM Transactions
For on line payment
by debit/credit cards customers get One Time Password [OTP] on registered
mobiles before making payment. I suggest that same system be adopted for ATM
cash withdrawals. Customers should send particular SMS message [say “ATM”] from
registered mobile to a particular number given by bank. In few minutes customer
should get SMS informing him of OTP, which should be valid for 15 minutes. Cash
should be dispensed only when OTP is keyed in ATM, in addition to PIN. This
will stop ATM frauds by cloning of cards and skimming of PINs.
I handled similar
fraud case of my friend and it took one year for SBI to refund the amount,
after prolonged correspondence from Branch up to Chairperson, 7 RTI
applications and three first appeals. Hence this suggestion.
Yours faithfully,