Wednesday, January 07, 2009



India needs 5000 patriotic, honest and capable persons who will sit in Parliament, State Assemblies and occupy key positions in bureaucracy. If this happens, all other things will fall in line automatically. At present small people are occupying big posts. Just blaming politicians and babus will not yield tangible results. We have to have tough and continuous introspection as responsible citizens to ensure our welfare. We have, as citizens, failed in our duties and have risked our lives and well being in the hands of irresponsible and self-centered politicians. They have created such a tight web around citizens' neck that we are finding ourselves helpless and cannot even elect good people who are really patriotic, honest and capable to man the country. If we as citizens are really serious about terrorism and such other cancerous problems, then we must unite and revolutionize the entire system of governance by compelling the present governments at Center and States to initiate at least following action under a time bound program:

1. Implement election reforms so that competent, honest and patriotic persons can contest elections.
2. Implement police reforms as directed by Supreme Court in 2006.
3. Right to recall elected representatives should be implemented.
4. Zero tolerance to corruption at all levels by having really powerful anti-corruption Commissions at par with High Court compulsorily for all public servants of state and central govts. Assets of corrupt officials and politicians should be confiscated as a rule.
5. Put into practice reforms for judiciary so that all crimes are dealt with expeditiously.
6. Make two year military posting for all youths compulsory.
7. Stop blaming and passing on the bucks to other countries for failure of our politicians, babus and judiciary.
8. Put in place a system of accountability for all politicians and babus.
9. Make common citizens part of governance by making entire system transparent, contributory and inclusive.
10. Have a centralised agency to tackle terrorism in the country.

Unless the system is overhauled under continuous pressure and monitoring of common citizenry, there appears no permanent solution to terrorism and such other mess, which are making lives of common man difficult. Mouthing cosmetic changes to fool the public will not be effective any more. Let us take control of our affairs in our own interest, rather than pointing fingers at others. If we do not wake up and decisively act this time, then we are not sleeping but are as good as dead.

J.P.SHAH, Junagadh [Gujarat] 03122008

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