The rules provide for a format for application under RTI Act which is attached herewith.
2. FEES:
A. Application fee: Rs.10/- to be paid by bank’s demand draft or pay order or IPO in favour of public authority or in cash against receipt. Applicants holding BPL certificate need not pay any application fee.
B. Other charges: Information in A-3 or A-4 size paper….Rs.2 per page, Large size: actual cost, publications: actual cost. Floppy or CD Rs.50/- per floppy/CD. Inspection: Rs.5/- each 15 minutes or part thereof with first hour free.
Rules provide for format for first/second appeals. No fees are charged for appeals. Formats for appeals are annexed hereunder. Format for second appeal can be used for complaint also with minor changes.
4. Address of Rajasthan Information Commission:
Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Jaipur 302017 [Raj]
5. Contact details of Information Commission:
Phone/fax: 0141-2700645
Website of the Commission:
6. Present Chief Information Commissioner:
Shri M. D. Kaurani
7. a. Public Information Officer of Commission:
Administrative Officer, Rajasthan Information Commission.
b. First Appellate Authority of Commission:
Secretary, Rajasthan Information Commission.
Rajasthan Format for RTI Application:
[U/S 6 ( 1 ) OF RTI ACT 2005]
Date: By Speed. AD post
1. Full name of Applicant:
2. Address:
3. Particulars of information required:
A] Dept from which information required:
B] Nature of information:
C] Period:
D] Particulars of information requested:
4. Details of payment of filing fee:
5. Please rush the required information to me by speed/registered post. I am an Indian citizen.
Place: Signature of Applicant
Encls: as above.
Rajasthan Format for First Appeal:
The Right to Information Act, 2005
First Appeal
[u/s 19 of the Act]
First Appellate Authority
1. Name & Address of the appellant:
2. State Public Information Officer:
3. No and date of decision of Public Information Officer:
4. Brief facts of the case:
5. Ground for appeal:
6. Prayer/relief’s sought for:
7. Declaration:
I, __________hereby state that the information and particulars given in items No. 1 to 6 above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing is concealed. I also declare that appeal on this matter is not previously filed.
Place: Signature of Appellant
List of Enclosures:
1. Copy of RTI Application 2. Self attested copy of reply if any received from SPIO 3. Any other papers relied upon in appeal.
Rajasthan Format for Second Appeal:
Chronology :
1. Mailed RTI application on__________
2. Date received by SPIO___________
3. Date of reply by SPIO____________
4. Date of receipt of reply by applicant________
5. Date of filing first appeal___________
6. Date of reply of FAA_____________
7. Date of receipt of reply of FAA by appellant____________
The Right to Information Act, 2005
Second Appeal
[u/s 19 of the Act]
Date: Speed ad post
The Registrar,
Rajasthan Information Commission,
Jawaharlal Nehru Marg,
Jaipur 302017 [Raj]
1. Name & Address of the appellant:
2. State Public Information Officer:
3. No and date of decision of Public Information Officer:
4. Brief facts of the case:
5. Ground for appeal:
6. Prayer/relief’s sought for:
7. Details of first appeal [applicable for second appeal to SIC]:
a. Designation and address of first appellate authority:
b. No. and Date of decision of first appellate authority [if any]:
8. Declaration:
I, __________hereby state that the information and particulars given in items No. 1 to 6 above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing is concealed. I also declare that appeal on this matter is not previously filed with this Commission.
Place: Signature of Appellant
List of Enclosures:
1. Copy of RTI Application 2. Self attested copy of reply if any received from SPIO 3. Self attested copies of any other papers relied upon in appeal.4. Copy of first appeal and 5.Self attested copy of reply if any of first appellate authority.
To be submitted in Duplicate.
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