Sunday, January 11, 2009


1. You should get refund order normally within 6 months of end of assessment year of the I.T. return. For financial year 2007-2008 [ income from 1-4-07 to 31-03-08] assessment year [AY]will be 2008-09 and normally you should get refund latest by 30-09-09. This will depend on efficiency of your income tax dept and date of your filing return.

2. If you do not get refund as above submit by regd. ad post letter as per annexure A. with its enclosures.

3. If no refund or reply is received within 30 days, file RTI application as per annexure B. Enclose IPO for Rs.10/- in the name of Accounts Officer, Income Tax Dept, Govt of India and made payable at the place of submission of RTI application. IPO is available at near-by post office. Also enclose photocopy of annexture A and its enclosures.

4. If no action is taken within 35-40 days of mailing RTI application, file first appeal.

5. In case if you do not get reply/refund within next 35-40 days, contact local RTI activists for preferring second and final appeal to Central Information Commission, New Delhi.

6. Avoid visiting Income Tax Office. You may waste time, money and energy and will have unpleasant experience of govt. office ! Deal through regd/speed ad post. Avoid courier service.

7. Retain photocopy of all papers sent to IT Dept. for future reference.

8. Concerned Income Tax Officer is the CPIO of the ward.

9. You can visit for guidance.
Our experience shows that in most of the cases, only RTI application or indication that RTI application will follow, yields the result.

Your follow-up as above will benefit you and also improve the system of the dept so that other assesses will also get refunds in time.

All the good luck to you.


Annexure A





Date: _____________

The Income Tax Officer,
Income Tax Office

Dear Sir,

Subject: Non receipt of Refund Order for the A. Y. 200__-__

I enclose photocopy of acknowledgement copy of my income tax return dated________. Though considerable time has passed I have not received assessment and refund order.

I request you to kindly look into the matter and do the needful at the earliest.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Encl: as above.


Annexure B

THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT 2005 APPLICATION FOR OBTAINING INFORMATION By speed/regd. AD post Date:__________To,CENTRAL PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERIncome Tax Office,Address:______________________________1. Name of the Applicant: PAN No.:
2. Full Address [with phone No.]:3. Particulars of information required: as per enclosed list4. Details of payment of filing fees: Indian Postal Order [IPO] No. __________dated __________for Rs.10/- is enclosed.

Signature of ApplicantEncls: List, IPO, annexture A, ackt copy of IT return


List of information required under RTI Act 2005 by _____

______________[PAN No._______]as per application dtd_______
1. Please inform me the present status of my application dated________, photocopy of which is enclosed with its enclosure.

2. Please inform me the latest date by which I should have received refund order as per rule of the dept. and details of reasons for the delay.

3. Please intimate to me names, designations and office address of employees/officers who are responsible for inordinate delay of refund of my income tax, action taken for dereliction of duties and if no action is initiated, reasons thereof be made known to me.

4. Certified photocopies of process-note/file-notings pertaining to my refund be submitted to me.
5. I be supplied printed citizen charter published by your dept free of cost.

6. I may be supplied information under proactive disclosure under section 4 (1) (b) of RTI Act of your office/dept.

7. I also intend to inspect my complete record along with file notes, comments and all documents pertaining to this matter. Suitable time and date be intimated to me.

8. Full details of First Applellate Authority under RTI Act be also intimated to me in your reply.

Signature of Applicant.

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