Saturday, January 24, 2009


Under RTI different requestors are getting different response. Govt. officers are slowly but surely coping with new era of open and transparent governance, befitting a democracy, where ordinary citizen is the ultimate owner of all govt. information. Govt. officer is just a custodian of information. Sixty year old habits and mind frame will take some time, training and public punch, to change in line with this most progressive and empowering piece of legislation enacted after independence.

Experience shows that Govt. officers/employees soften, moment they know that you know about RTI Act, as you may legally ask questions that may be embarrassing to them and their department/office.

Govt. employees and officers are now feeling hesitant to do wrong things or misuse their authority, lest the mess may come to light at a later date, just by an application of any ordinary citizen under RTI. On an average 4000 applications are being filed per day in the country under RTI.

Let us not get discouraged and continue to keep on pushing. It is peoples’ law in action. Let us sharpen it to exert citizens’ right against its own public servants. Revolutions do not happen over night. Give a chance to RTI.

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