Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why people do not respect law of land

Why people do not respect law of land

In India we have hardly any respect for laws of the country. Why do common and uncommon Indians not respect and follow laws? There are reasons for such an attitude, which can be summarized as follows:

1. Poor quality of people who make the laws and rules. General public has now tested and realized the quality of politicians of this country.
2. Lack of knowledge of rules and laws made by governments and departments. There is no mandated system, to make public aware of laws and rules through mass media.
3. Public has realized that laws and rules can be twisted and purchased with money.
4. There is general perception that following laws and rules is indicative of timidity while breaking laws and rules is bravery.
5. Courts take decades [not years] to punish the guilty. Real culprits usually escape the clutches of laws.
6. It is more convenient and financially rewarding not to follow laws and rules, rather than follow them.
7. Quality of laws and rules are also as poor as the people who make them.
8. Public think that laws and rules are made not for welfare of people, but for the benefit of politicians and babus.
9. Laws and rules are made to enhance corruption. With every new law and rule, opportunities of corruption increases.
10.The babus themselves teach and coerce public to break laws and rules, for their small ‘consultancy fee’.
11. Majority of laws and rules have become outdated and practically impossible to follow in letter and spirit in this fast moving world.
12. Public is religious but is greedy for unethical benefits!
13. All are anxious to loot the country and fellow countryman, by what ever means available.
14. There are numerous instances, where honest and patriotic persons have been harassed till death. It is beneficial and safe to break the laws and earn also.
15. Law breakers are now commanding social respect.
16. Entire system is so coined that it helps the culprit and the law breakers.
17 There is no public participation in making of laws and rules. Mostly it is at the instance of politicians of ruling party.
18 Enforcement and voluntary compliance mechanism is hardly worth the name.
19. You cannot become rich by faithfully following all the laws and rules.
20. Public has realized that it is better to have connections and money to by-pass laws and rules, rather than follow them.
21. In our religious country and also one of the most corrupt countries in the world, every thing and every body is for sale. You should have money to buy it!

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