Saturday, March 07, 2009


Date: 07-03-2009

Dear RTI Activists,


Keeping in view present anti-RTI attitude and approach of Information Commissioners at Centre and States, Judiciary, politicians, bureaucrats, Governments and other stake holders who are implementing or managing RTI, it has become necessary for common citizens who are interested in RTI and its proper implementation on the ground, to form an all-India body with state and metro city units. This is more so because RTI is being systematically consigned to law books by vested interests. If civil society activists do not unite and collectively exert force, this sunshine law will be practically useless over next 2-3 years. Common man is not finding RTI effective due to inordinate delays, tardy interpretation and ineffective implementation by ICs. Government is busy in preparing reams of reports without any action on the ground zero.

The association and its state and metro city units can be established on the lines of various all India business and industry associations.

As a first step, I request that few of us should form a provisional all India working committee for formation of ALL INDIA RTI USERS’ ASSOCIATION. State and metro city-wise NGOs/ activists can take initiative to organize State Units and Metro City Units. Detailed modalities can be worked out as a second step. The committee can invite top most RTI activists and crusaders of India to lead/guide the association.

In democracy numbers count and there is tremendous force in unity. I have personally witnessed strength of trade unions and officers’ associations in banking industry. I think we can replicate same structure for common good of Indian citizens, who want and deserve real democracy from our own rulers at least after 61 years of independence. In Mumbai and Chennai RTI activists have already started uniting on a common platform.

Those who endorse my suggestion and desire to contribute collectively to make RTI effective in real sense and spirit for its end-users, may kindly convey their views and suggestions [ and if possible along with names, places and email IDs of other persons/NGOs who are active for RTI] at and at

1000 mile journey begins with one step. Let us put our first step forward to strengthen democracy for common man. Let us do our part of job, rather than blaming some one else. If we do not collectively act NOW, we shall never be able to act ever for Right to Know. Signals are alarming. Your half an hour per day or 15 hours a month for RTI will change the way we are governed and treated at govt. offices. Choice is yours, Sir/Madam.

Yours truly,
I blog at: J. P. Shah
Email addressees
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change a nation; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
-Dr. Margaret Mead

“The real swaraj will come not by the acquisition of authority by a few, but by the acquisition of capacity by all to resist authority when abused.” Mahatma Gandhi.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." --- Edmund Burke

Hon’ble Supreme Court in Lucknow Development Authority vs M. K. Gupta [ (1994) 1 Supreme Court Cases- 243]

“……………..Crime and corruption thrive and prosper in the society due to lack of public resistance. Nothing is more damaging than the feeling of helplessness. An ordinary citizen instead of complaining and fighting succumbs to the pressure of undesirable functioning in offices instead of standing against it…..”
“It is unfortunate that matters which require immediate attention linger on and the man in the street is made to run from one end to other with no result. The culture of window clearance appears to be totally dead. Even in ordinary matters a common man who has neither the political backing nor the financial strength to match the inaction in public oriented departments gets frustrated and it erodes the credibility in the system…...”

“Under our Constitution sovereignty vests in the people. Every limb of the constitutional machinery is obliged to be people oriented……… “
[emphasis added] Jai Hind

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