Saturday, August 20, 2011


One of my friend’s friend was having problem with a bank for finance for his small scale industry. He was trying to get finance for last 10-12 months and bank officers were just harassing him in one or the other way and by misinterpretation of circulars and RBI guidelines etc. He had approached all offices from branch to regional office to zonal office and Chairman’s office and RBI, but did not get positive results.

He contacted me through my friend. I studied his file and concluded that bank officers are unnecessarily harassing him, may be for bribe or just to enjoy predicament of common man. In a period of 15 days we filed 5 RTI applications seeking detailed information on processing of his application and copies of circulars. One RTI was filed with RBI also. In next 15 days bank officers who used to insult him, avoid him and harass him in all possible ways invited him for a meeting at regional office which lasted for nearly 3 hours. They became positive and humble with RTI punches and in next 10 days bank completed all formalities with promptness and cooperation and put the finance at his disposal.

RTI works.

1 comment:

  1. Good to know. What information was sought using RTI? Also, which bank was it :) ?
