Sunday, December 20, 2015



My friend Shri Jayantilal Mistry [semi literate but socially active] of Vadodara Gujarat had sought information including RBI audit report of a coop bank from Reserve Bank of India under RTI Act on 19-10-2010, which was denied under sections 8.1 a [economic interest of country], and 8.1.e [fiduciary relationship]. First appeal failed and hence second appeal was filed with Central Information Commission, which was decided on  01-11-2011 in appellant’s favour and RBI was ordered to supply information. RBI obtained stay order from Hon’ble High Court of Delhi on 29-11-2011. We filed a detailed reply to writ petition in High Court directly without assistance of advocate. Subsequently some interveners were permitted at High Court. In May 2015, at the instance of RBI writ was transferred to Hon’ble Supreme Court since on similar issues 11 writs of RBI were pending in various High Courts. Finally on 16-12-2015 Divisional Bench of 2 judges of Hon’ble Supreme Court upheld decision of CIC in writ petition No. 91/2015. It is a landmark judgment disposing off 11 writs which were filed by RBI in various High Courts against CIC decisions to disclose under RTI Act. Full judgement is available on website of Supreme Court item No. 5--RBI v/s Jayantibhai N. Mistry. It is worth reading.

I am happy to be actively associated with this case.



To, BSNL ,Corporate Office, New Delhi


1. For registering fault complaint in landline it is tedious to lodge on 198/[std code]198, specially for senior citizens and non-tech savy subscribers more so when complaint is to be lodged from a smart mobile. After lodging complaint subscriber gets phone call from exchange. To make fault complaint lodging user friendly, I suggest that facility should be provided so that subscriber can give a miscall to designated number from his landline/mobile and exchange should call back to him to know exact problem.

2. I could not get email for suggestions/feedback from subscribers on your website. Please do provide it and kindly forward this suggestion to appropriate officer, under advice to me for further follow-up.

BSNL is fast improving its services. Please cogitate on my suggestion.
