Thursday, May 14, 2015


Date: 13-05-2015                             SUGGESTION-Addendum                       By email

Hon’ble Minister for Law & Justice
Ministry of Law and Justice, Govt of India
A-Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001,

Hon’ble Sir,

Subject: FRIVOLOUS LITIGATION BY GOVT and PSUs –Need of National Litigation Policy

Kindly refer to my suggestion dated 08-08-2014 [copy enclosed]. I am sure Ministry must be cogitating on my suggestion, in view of BJP Govt’s stated policy of citizen centricity and good governance.
I am attaching copy of judgement dated 07-05-2015 of Hon’ble NCDRC in revision petitions No. 285 to 289 of 2011, which echo plight by common citizens when dealing with govt and its undertakings, which can afford to fight out at public cost against poor public without accountability to public or anyone under the sun in a democratic country wasting public money which can be otherwise used for development.  Corruption as cut in advocate fees can also not be ruled out.
I am sure that Insurance Company will definitely challenge this decision in Hon’ble Supreme Court naturally at public cost and risk. There is therefore urgent need of putting in place National Litigation Policy and honestly implementing it, otherwise beneficiaries of PMJJBY AND PMSBY will meet the same fate, as did appellants in enclosed judgement.
Yours faithfully,
J P Shah
Encls: a/a

Copies to:
1. Dept of Financial Services, MoF, New Delhi Email:

2. IRDAI, Hyderabad Email:

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