Date: 30-03-2016 email
1. Shri Manishkumar, CPIO,
DFS, MoF, GoI, New Delhi
2. Shri S. R. Mehar,
FAA, DFS, MoF, GoI, New Delhi
3. National Informatics
Centre, New Delhi
Dear Sirs,
Payment of Other
Charges on RTIONLINE Portal –DOFSR/R/2016/50439
Vide attached intimation dated 16-03-2016 I have been
advised to deposit Rs.4/- towards other charges payable to CPIO, Dept of
Financial Services, MoF. I am yet to receive information in hard copy or online
or by email from CPIO presumably for non-payment of Rs.4/-.
I could not make payment of Rs.4/- on RTIONLINE portal
since there was no link of “make payment” for additional payment at intimation
of above CPIO, though it provides for such a link as per page 16 of guidelines
[page attached]. I tried [NTRP] but could not succeed in
paying Rs.4/- [page attached]. Post Offices have discontinued IPOs below
Rs.10/-. Bank DD may cost Rs.20/- or so as minimum commission for DD of Rs.4/-
plus postal charges of Rs.25/- for mailing DD. I cannot visit DFS, MoF at New
Delhi for paying Rs.4/- in cash from Junagadh Gujarat. CPIO may not accept IPO
of Rs.10/-. E-IPO is issued for minimum of Rs.10. I am enclosing with this
email e-IPO for Rs.10/-. Use of paper for paying Rs.4 will affect trees and
environment. I hope Digital India initiative is being implemented by MoF also.
I draw kind attention to CIC decision No. CIC/SA/A/2015/000743
dated 27-04-2015 [copy attached]. I have witnessed that many citizen centric
and pro-RTI public authorities do not insist for petty other charges [even up
to Rs.50/-] for supplying information within mandated time-limit.
humbly request CPIO, FAA and NIC to activate make payment link on RTIONLINE
portal so that I can make payment of exact Rs.4/- by debit card or
alternatively accept e-IPO [attached to
email] for Rs.10/-. I will not be claiming excess of Rs.6/-. I will be
again attempting payment of Rs.4/- on bharatkhajana portal by debit card,
though it is complicated especially to non-tech savvy senior citizen like me.
inform me when link is activated so that I can make payment of exact Rs.4/-.
The information is in larger public interest since there could be VYAPAM or
Haryana [teacher recruitment scam] type scams in banking recruitments at IBPS
[presently outside RTI Act]. I can proceed further only on receipt of requested
information which is held up presumably for non-payment of Rs.4/-.
case CPIO and FAA, DFS respect opinion of CIC in aforesaid decision, they may
choose to forward me information without payment of Rs.4/- by taking holistic
view in the interest of Govt and citizens.
P. Shah
B-12 Amrapali Gandhigram, Junagadh Gujarat 362001
Copies to:
1. Director-RTI, DoPT, Ministry of Personnel,
PG & Pensions, Govt of India, New Delhi